About Me


Hi, I'm Katrin Viella


Wellbeing is not just my work, but for me it's also personal! 


My academic background is in business and clinical psychology - you can check out my different qualifications below to get a bit more of an overview. My content and delivery of training is also highly informed by my own life experiences and lessons 'earned' so far.

Yes, it's important that we cover these important and often serious topics substantiated with a solid evidence base. In fact, quality assurance and raising the bar in mental health training is my big passion since leading the accredited mental health training academy at 'Mind'. I now run my own training business and continue these ambitions of top quality training experiences in the mental health and wellbeing sector. Very often though the biggest insights and powerful learning come to us humans when we exchange real life examples, stories, and experiences. My expertise lies in truly transformational insights and skills training in the most time effective and enjoyable way. I have poured hours of dedicated work and focussed study tow curate content that becomes accessible for anybody interested in these topics. My aim is always to translate complex, psychological constructs into easily understandable and actionable steps - so everyone can boost their wellbeing and improve their skills in supporting others.

It's my privilege to teach you topics that improve and transform not only your professional, but also private lives. Most mental health training is still focussed on the traditional, biomedical approach which isn't always helpful for empowered, everyday conversations and indeed normalising help seeking. I'm passionate about de-medicalising training content much further to remove barriers that so called 'non-professionals' might have. 

My professional experience and areas of expertise: 

In my early career I delivered leadership development and cross-cultural competency training. Later I studied and specialised in the field of clinical psychology working with people who had the most complex combinations of severe mental health conditions as well as learning differences and neurodiverse challenges. I came across so many occasions of earliest intervention being overlooked and contributing to longer recovery journeys and unnecessary, huge suffering. We know very clearly from research that earliest intervention is most effective and crucial, but practice still looks different. Better education is essential for recovery, so this brought me back to training and being involved in proactive, preventative strategies. 

I created and led a fully accredited training academy on behalf of a large, local 'Mind' charity where I also gained leadership experience leading the training department. Our teams delivered counselling qualifications, workplace wellbeing training and whole-school approaches. 

Since 2019 I work as an independent freelance consultant and have experience of facilitating training across all sectors, industries, and sizes of organisations. This includes senior executive training, leadership, managers and key workers. 

I also work with Wellbeing Leads, Heads of HR and L&D on tailored roll outs of wellbeing strategies and whole organisation training approaches. I've trained hundreds of MHFAiders (Adult and Youth) and also support with initial implementation and continuous development of support networks. I offer a whole range of additional trainings and supervised best practice sessions.

I have experience in designing and delivering Train the Trainer programmes on different mental health topics with hugely successful and sustainable outcomes for organisations, so get in touch if this is of interest to you. I also tailor and deliver bigger leadership programmes around psychological safety, cultural competency and suicide prevention/ postvention and emotional intelligence.  

My personal and practical experience: 

As mentioned before I've got my own lived experience of poor mental health and seeking professional help. I share my stories of recovery, hope and post-traumatic growth. These have helped so many others to recognise that we can build enormous resilience, strengths, and overcome feelings of shame and indeed self-stigmatisation. 

For my own wellbeing I like to run and walk in nature and have recently discovered my FLOW and overcoming perfectionism by painting  - I love it!!

And on just another note - I'm fully bi-lingual and all my trainings are available in English as well as German (my native language).

Feel free to get in touch

 "Katrin supported me and our L&D Team in the creation of our mental health training for line managers and running the train-the-trainer programme to embed delivery into our L&D Team.

Her depth of knowledge of mental health and adaptability made a real difference in creating material that was just right for a Co-op audience. She was then able to expertly support our L&D Team to build enough mental health knowledge to be able to confidently deliver the training to managers.

I'd highly recommend Katrin if you're looking for a skilful, confident and capable wellbeing expert to develop your wellbeing programme and support delivery."


Paul Caudwell (Wellbeing Lead, Co-op)  

Previous Clients I Have Worked With:


  • TATA Consumer Products
  • Islington Council
  • Salesforce
  • Co-op
  • Amazon (UK, US, SA, Europe)
  • Capita
  • The Home Office
  • Sellafield/Axiom
  • Shell
  • Royal London
  • Carpetright
  • Nestle
  • William Hill
  • Sodexo
  • Halfords
  • Superdrug
  • Next
  • Arup
  • Coca-Cola European Partnership
  • ASCG
  • British Film Institute

(This is only a small selection)

My qualifications:  



University of Manchester, UK -  Level 7 module and research project in Asset Based Community Development; Public Health | March - July 2017

The Open University, UK -  BSc Psychology 2:1 | Feb 2012 - June 2016 

University of Marburg, Germany - Level 7 modules in business, cross-cultural, organisational, educational and clinical psychology; Diplom Psychologie (partial completion) | 2001 - 2003

University of Regensburg, Germany - Level 6 Vordiplom Psychologie | 1999 - 2001



Adult MHFAider: 2-day, 1 day, half day, refresher

Youth MHFA instructor: 2 day



L3 Assessor Certificate (Edexcel)

L3 Managing Mental Health

L3 Emotional Freedom Technique ('Tapping') Diploma

L3 Mindfulness Diploma

L3 Life Coaching Diploma

ASIST training (suicide intervention)

Suicide First Aid

Suicide postvention training (PABBS)

Suicide prevention

Safeguarding and Prevent

Diversity and Inclusion

Level 5 Diploma Management in Health and Social Care, C&Gs (partial completion)

HR management training

MIND Leadership development programme including action learning set facilitation, coaching and TotalSDI analysis

Loss and bereavement

Trauma informed practice

Motivational interviewing

Managing potential and actual aggression in mental health settings


Currently studying:

L4 Advanced CBT Diploma

L3 Transactional Analysis

L3 Meditation Teacher Diploma

L3 Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction